“I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
– Romans 12:1
For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our life of faith. Our worship services have the following pattern:
We gather. We hear God’s word. We share a meal at the Lord’s table. And we are sent into the world.

Sunday morning
at 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Both of our worship services are liturgical and include several Bible readings, a sermon, and Holy Communion. Our two services only differ in the music that accompanies the liturgy.
The music at the 8:30 service is accompanied by Grace Alone, an ensemble utilizing piano, drums, guitar, flute, and more. Hymns at this service are a diverse blend of worship songs and hymns.
The music at the 11:00 service is led by our Parish Choir accompanied by organ and piano. Most of the hymn selections at this service come from our hymnals, which includes many beloved traditional hymns.
In months that have five Sundays, we have a special worship service on the 5th Sunday at 10:00 am. This service brings our entire congregation together and is often followed by a meal or special event in the Fellowship Hall.
Live Stream Notice
Our worship services are live streamed and then posted for later viewing on Facebook and YouTube. If you prefer not to be visible on live streaming services, please sit in the balcony or speak to a pastor or usher for an alternate seating option.
Photo and Video Notice
While participating in Grace ministry events, you may be photographed and/or videoed. If you prefer that your name and/or likeness not be published or shared, please submit that request in writing to the church office.

Resources for children at Grace
Worship Assistant Schedule
If you are new to our style of worship click here for more information to put you at ease for your first visit

“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in theworld.”
– Martin Luther
Grace Lutheran Church joyfully brings the church’s song into worship. We celebrate the fact that the Lutheran Church is a singing and music-oriented tradition within the Christian faith.

Musical Ensembles
Grace Alone Choir: Formed out of the desire to bring greater diversity of Christian music to our worship. We find our musical singing expression enhanced by piano, guitar, flute and percussion accompaniment.
Worship service – 8:30 am, Rehearsal – Monday evening.
Parish Choir: Shaped by the Lutheran tradition with liturgical emphasis. This ensemble delights in the musical richness from our past, as well as works by current composers.
Worship service – 11:00 am, Rehearsal – Wednesday evening.
Grace Ringers: The handbell choir is a great opportunity for both instrumentalists and singers to show their musical interest at Grace. This lively group has an amazing and contagious sense of camaraderie!
Worship service varies, Rehearsal Monday evening.
Children’s Choir: An exciting and energetic ensemble for our elementary age children. Singers learn age appropriate choral singing basics in a nurturing and fun environment.
Worship services and Rehearsal times are determined each semester.
Festival Choir: A combination of the Parish choir, Grace Alone Choir, and seasonal singers who come together for special services.
For more information, contact Dr. Jeremy Mims, Director of Music Ministries, at (803) 324-5295 or music@gracerockhill.com
The Steiner-Reck Pipe Organ in the sanctuary consists of 1426 pipes arranged in 27 ranks, 19 independent voices and 38 stops, all controlled by electronic action. The keys in the two-manual console are hardwood faced; the naturals with Bahia rosewood and the sharps with ebony.
The entire organ was assembled by Gottfied Reck in his Lexington, Kentucky workshop and then disassembled, shipped and reassembled in our sanctuary.