Children at Grace
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
– Matthew 19:14
Children are welcome at all our worship services and events.
The sounds of giggles, wiggles, crayons dropping, and snack bags opening remind us that God is always making things new.
We are glad to have children in worship! In Baptism, the church promises to help children learn and grow in faith, to put Scripture in their hands, and to invite them into the family – that starts right here! We know that children play, make noise, wiggle, talk, and spread joy. All of these things come with blessings, even when they make things challenging. We want children and their families to feel welcome in this place.
During Communion, please bring your child to the altar to receive Communion or a blessing.
We offer worship bags full of books and crayons to keep little hands busy. The blue worship bags are in a basket in the Narthex (the entrance room that leads into the Sanctuary.)
Children’s Word Time
CWT is an opportunity for our 8-and-under members to worship at their own developmental level, during the Word portion of the service. We gather at the front of the Sanctuary after the Prayer of the Day for a short message, and then process out of the Sanctuary and return during the sharing of the Peace.
We carry the Children’s Processional Cross with us as we go to CWT, to remind us that while we are leaving the Sanctuary, we are still worshipping.
During CWT, a pastor and a volunteer lead the children in Scripture, prayer, music, theater, games, and/or crafts so that they can learn the day’s Scripture lesson in ways most helpful to them. CWT takes place in the Nursery, where worship from the Sanctuary is also streaming.
Children are welcome to bring their adults anytime to experience Children’s Word time with them!
If you have questions, please speak to either Pr. Gregg or Pr. Rachel; they’d love to share more about this exciting program with you.
The nursery is available for babies and children up to age four during the entire worship service. Our freshly refurbished nursery has a changing table, bathroom, cribs, rocking chairs, and age-appropriate toys and activities, among other things. We do not currently have nursery attendants, and we ask that you please not leave your children unattended in the nursery. An usher will be happy to show you where the nursery is located.
Children’s Choir
Our choir for elementary-age children rehearses during the school year, sharing anthems during worship about once a month. This choir is led by Irene Pointon and our Winthrop music interns.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes for children help children learn about God’s love and the Bible through lessons, crafts, and games. Sunday School is held during the school year, and begins at 10 am. Classes offered are 2-year-olds – Kindergarteners, 1st – 4th grade, 5th – 8th grade, and high school.
Milestone Ministry
Our church family celebrates the faith milestones of our children beginning at Baptism and continuing through high school graduation. Each child receives a gift and a blessing as they enter Sunday School, begin to receive Communion, get their driver’s license, and more.