Faith Formation
“Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.”
– 1 Timothy 4:12

Children’s Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes center on key Bible stories, helping children learn about God’s love and the Bible through lessons, crafts, and games. Sunday School is held during the school year (except on 5th Sundays), and begins at 10 am. Classes offered are 2-year-olds – Kindergarteners, 1st – 4th grade, 5th – 8th grade, and high school.
Youth Group
Grace Youth Ministry (GYM) – GYM is Grace’s youth ministry for 6th-12th graders. This group is centered on growing in faith together, loving God and one another, and seeking to be inclusive and kind while having a great time. Our mascot is a flamingo, because standing on one leg takes a strong foundation, just like our faith lives need firm grounding in Christ! We gather most Sundays during the school year for a variety of activities, including games, Bible study, movie nights, service projects, and off-site trips. GYM has yearly ski and beach retreats and participates in mission trips and ELCA/SC Synod events. For more information, click here or contact Pastor Rachel.
All 7th and 8th grade youth are invited to participate in Confirmation at Grace. Confirmation is a ministry that helps youth identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more fully in its life and mission. This flexible, family-based program includes 9 Events, a week of summer camp, participation in Grace Youth Ministry, and serving in worship. Completion of this voluntary program is celebrated in the Rite of Confirmation.

Milestone ministry celebrates the faith milestones along life’s journey, saying, “This is something important and God is here.” Marking a milestone is a Biblically-based spiritual practice in both home and congregation that helps all generations recognize God’s presence in our lives. At each milestone, the child is blessed during worship, receives a gift to commemorate the milestone, and shares the event with the congregation as a whole. Our church celebrates eleven milestones from birth to high school graduation.
Campus Ministry
Winthrop Ecumenical Lutheran Campus Ministries (WELCM) is a ministry Grace Lutheran Church, partnering with LuMin and the South Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, serving the campus and community of Winthrop University.
WELCM’s mission is to be a welcoming community that explores and strengthens our relationship with God and cultivates Christian discipleship. Through service, study, prayer, worship, and fellowship, we gather to grow our connection and commitment to God, ourselves and one another.
Our Campus Minister is the Rev. Dr. Norbert Hahn (cm@welcm.org).
Learn more at www.welcm.org!

Adult Sunday
Sunday School classes for adults include “Women of the Word,” a Bible study using lessons from the Women of the ELCA Gather Magazine. This group meets in Room 106. “Men In Training” is a discussion group for men of all ages. Participants take turns leading this group which meets in Room 101. For a classic Bible Study for men and women that follows the weekly lectionary readings, join the discussion in Room 107. Our newest class for adults is the “Conversation Class” which discusses new topics each week; this class is great for those who can’t be here each week but still want to take part in faith formation!

Ladies In Faith Together (LIFT) is a Christian group of women who encourage one another in spiritual growth and fellowship. Membership is open to women inside and outside our congregation. The group meets every other month in each others’ homes for food, fellowship, and Bible study and does a weekend retreat in the fall. For more information, contact Karen Harris (harrisak@comporium.net).

Seniors @ Grace
Seniors @ Grace is a dynamic group of older active members who meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at the church for lunch, fellowship, and a program. Our guest speakers include community members and members of our congregation who have skills and experiences to share. Our Christmas lunch and White Elephant gift exchange is always a rowdy affair.