“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
– Matthew 25:35
We welcome you to join us at Grace
Whether you are joining us for worship or attending a community event in our church – we are always glad to have you with us!

Parking & Accessibility
Street parking is available on Oakland and Aiken Avenues on Sundays.

Our Worship
As You Enter:
An usher will give you a bulletin as you enter the Sanctuary. The text for the entire worship service is printed in the bulletin. The songs we sing will be either in the bulletin itself or can be found in the hymnals in each pew. The bulletin lists the page number for each song not otherwise printed.
During Worship:
Lutherans stand up and sit down frequently during worship; you are invited to join in as you are able.
Peace Be With You:
We “pass the peace” at each service, greeting one another with the words, “Peace be with you.” This greeting can be shared with a handshake, a hug, a wave, or whatever is most comfortable for you. The passing of the peace is historically linked to reconciling with one another before sharing in the sacrament of Holy Communion, and it still functions as a way to prepare our hearts to receive Christ in bread and wine.
Holy Communion:
We kneel around the altar for Holy Communion at every worship service. Everyone is welcome (but not obligated) to participate. All baptized Children of God are invited to partake in this meal. We typically receive the bread and wine by intinction. Intinction means that the pastor will give you a communion wafer which is held until the Communion Assistant presents the chalice of wine to you. You dip the wafer in the wine and then eat the wafer and wine together. (Gluten-free wafers are available.) Any non-communing Children of God are also welcome to come to the altar railing to receive a blessing – simply indicate that preference to the pastor. If walking to the altar is difficult for you, let an usher know that you would like to receive Communion in your pew.