Grace’s congregation council


At Grace, the Congregation Council is made up of 12 members of the congregation, in addition to the pastors.

Members (year current term expires)

President - Justin Anderson (2025)

Vice President - Mike Dunnett (2026)

Secretary - Sabrina Blanks (2026)

Carla Harrison (2027)

Ron Hartman (2025)

Mary Hinson (2027)

Kerri Howley (2025)

Anne Johnson (2027)

Theresa Miller (2026)

Irene Pointon (2025)

Traci Quinn (2025)

Jeff Ranges (2027)

Pastor Gregg Hoffman

Pastor Rachel Hoffman

In addition to the Council positions listed above, Grace also has four officers with financial roles:

Treasurer: Ruth Wasserman

Assistant Treasurer: vacant

Financial Secretary: Lori Brown

Assistant Financial Secretary: Karen Harris